Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mood-ometer Check 1: An Island of Serenity

I'm trying to remember the last time I felt so relaxed. Depending on the depth and length of the relaxation it was either over Christmas vaction, 2006 or thirty years ago.

No matter how much I talk about God's gift of grace, I feel best about myself at the end of a long day of accomplishment. Please don't misunderstand--I can fritter away time and procrastinate like a champ. Even so, I tell my wife the perfect Saturday involves lots of completed tasks with a long hot shower and dinner and a movie at the end. Aaaahhhhhhh. That's the feeling I'm feeling right now, except the "Saturday"was five years long and the "hot shower, dinner and movie" are the three weeks we're spending visiting my folks. It's been wonderful.

The relaxation comes from having divested ourselves of lots of possessions, separated ourselves from social obligations, and discovered, through an organizational snafu, that we had nearly three weeks with almost nothing on our schedules. Like I said, you'd probably have to go back over 3o years to find that large amount of time with that small amount of obligation--praise the Lord!